Anatomy Of The Breast
The breast is made up of fatty, glandular and fibrous tissues. Within it are blood vessels, milk ducts, fat, glands and sensory nerves. A layer of fat surrounds the breast to give it a soft consistency and contour. Beneath the breast there are the muscles which assists in arm movement.
Women’s breasts vary greatly in both size and shape. The size and shape of your breast are determined by the amount of breasts tissue and fat present in them. It is also affected by factors such as age, past pregnancies, genetics and skin elasticity.
After surgery, the two breasts may vary, one being slightly different from the other. Such variations in size and shape are normal and they exist in most women.
Breast Implants
Breast implants have an outer pliable envelope enclosing saltwater liquid (saline) or silicone gel (cohesive gel).
Saline is much like the fluid that makes up 70% of the human body. If the implant should leak and the saline is released, it can be safely absorbed by your body.
Silicone gel has a more natural consistency than that of saline, but requires a larger incision.
The “Mini-incision” technique
The “Mini-incision” technique, published and taught by Dr Fanous is a very small incision made in the skin fold below the breast.
The breast tissue is not disturbed much, and the short scar may be well concealed.
Since breast implants are inserted beneath muscles, it is normal that they move when these muscles are contracted in the future.
The Surgical Incision And Placement Choices
Usually, breast implants are surgically inserted utilizing one of three traditional incisions: the inframammary incision (technique performed by Dr. Fanous), the periareolar incision, or the transaxillary incision.
All of these incisions allow the implant to be placed either submuscular, below one muscle or below four chest muscles (technique used by Dr Fanous) or subglandular (between the chest muscles and your breast tissue).
Anesthesia without general anesthesia
In general, local anesthesia with sedation is used.
The Body’s Reaction To Breast Implants
The body will form a fibrous tissue shell, called ‘capsule’, around the surface of the implant. This capsule formation is a normal reaction to any implant.
In some women, the collagen capsule can contract, causing a complication known as “capsular contracture”. This condition results in a firmer, hardened breast, which may also cause discomfort, pain and deformity.
In some cases, the implants may deflate or rupture in the first few months after being implanted, yet some seem to be intact ten or more years after the surgery. It is not known when rupture is most likely to happen.
Recovery Period
Although every woman’s recovery time is different, you should be able to resume many of your regular activities within one week.
Potential risks
There are inherent complications with breast augmentation as there are with any surgery.
These risks include: deflation, infection, hematoma, calcification, delayed wound healing, capsular contracture, shifting of the implant, decreased sensation in the nipple and breast increased difficulty of reading breast X-Rays, calcium deposits in the tissue around the implant, loss of sensation, loss of movements, stretch marks, etc.
Breast Lift
An additional option that patients with ptotic or sagging breasts may elect to have during the breast implant surgery is a mastopexy (breast lift). This procedure involves making incisions around and below the nipple to lift it upwards.
How much does a breast augmentation cost?
To have a general and approximate idea of costs and to get answers to any other question, please call us today at 514-935-9513. It will be a pleasure for us to talk to you.
Depending on the esthetic problem, the city where the clinic is located and the reputation of this clinic, the cost of a cosmetic surgery can vary.
1 Westmount Square, Bureau 1380,
Montréal, QC, Canada, H3Z 2P9
Phone : (514) 935-9513